Our mission
HARA supports organisations to unleash their human potential and achieve a high performing human centred culture. Where all talents are fully developed and applied. Where your customers, staff and partners are the centre, the alpha and the omega of all activities.
Our vision
To become the global leader in the development and Integration of Human Centred Organisational Cultures, where leadership skills, emotional intelligence, positive psychology and neuroscience become essential competences for your leaders and managers, staff and collaborators to make it a living community that makes your organisation thrive, innovate, create and succeed.
Digital disruption has transformed our world. AI, Robotics, IoT, Big Data, etc… are taking over all jobs not requiring interpersonal skills.
The World Economic Forum released their top 15 skills for 2025 and they are mostly soft skills: Analytical thinking and innovation; Active learning and learning strategies; Complex problem-solving; Critical thinking and analysis; Creativity, originality and initiative; Leadership and social influence; Technology use, monitoring and control; Technology design and programming; Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility; Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation; Emotional Intelligence.
How do we prepare your organisation for this? By developing the competences to implement the best practices and methodologies on leadership and management, strategy, positive psychology, emotional intelligence, sustainable innovation, digital transformation, sales, cross cultural and talent development.